As a director outline and justify your approach to a production of the play staged in your chosen performance space. (30 marks)
• These are the elements you need to address in this question:
• How the production will impact on a modern audience so therefore its themes and message and how you intend to convey that to an audience
• Choice of space and venue and why, link to audience actor relationship and practitioner.
• Style of the play and the choices you have made in relation to its original style and the practitioner you have chosen to convey your ideas in acting etc.
• Design elements, eg lighting/set/costumes/ props/staging will come together within an overall interpretation but with specific reference to the chosen space and venue.
This is a question about the performance of the play, it is not specifically about the play and the candidate needs to apply appropriate drama and theatre terminology in order to be able to respond effectively.
• Explain why a particular practitioner has been chosen or why the ideas of a particular recognised practitioner have been adopted. There may be reference to historic features that have influenced the interpretation and how these feature in the staging ideas.
In order to gain all 30 marks you will have to:
1. Demonstrate an outstanding understanding of drama and theatre terminology and offer consideration of the play in relation to a director working on an interpretation of a text and question, which shows imagination, based upon knowledge gained throughout the course.
2. Will be able to give convey an excellent understanding of the play and are able to help their audience understand the play through directorial choices and guidance to enhance their understanding of it further.
3. There will be examples of how a production can be made visually and practically appealing, without losing sight of the original performance values.
4. Examples of how the understanding of drama will have an impact on the audience and the candidate will offer some examples from their interpretation for the production in support.
5. There will be a distinct reference to stylistic or historic elements in the proposed interpretation of the play and there will be an excellent understanding of the likely aesthetic impact on the production and how this compliments the meaning and structure of the play.
6. The chosen space and venue will be identified and how the candidate may explore the performance will be detailed in relation to this.
Give quotes from practitioners, analyse quotes, give example from the text and analyse to back up your point.
Try not to make more than four points in depth.