Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Thandie Newton Master class 4th Dec 2007
Thandie Newton gave a practical workshop on acting for film to A level media and Drama students and some performing arts students from the London Metropolitan University.
She passionately told students to have self belief as a means to succeed in the film industry. She then taught techniques on how to work to camera and finally answered questions about her career. The students were very excited to work with Thandie so closely. This is the beginning of our master class season which will continue until March. Other celebrities to be confirmed. Watch this space!
Friday, 30 November 2007
Review of Women of Troy at the National( Year 13 Theatre visit)
Graham Norton interviewed Zandra Rhodes (right) on one of his many television shows and asked her something along the lines of: “When you’re getting dressed in the morning, is there no point at which you think ‘Right, I’ve put enough things on now. I’ll stop’?”
For some reason, Katie Mitchell’s production of Euripides’ Women of Troy at the National Theatre put Andrew in mind of this question.
Phil had bottled out of this one. Literally: he was downing bottles in a Soho brasserie. So Andrew took along his Zurich pal Anders to see what Katie did to Euripides.
80 minutes later they were out of the National Theatre and off to a party where everyone wanted to know what they thought of the show.
“Interesting,” was Anders’ considered verdict. Andrew didn’t know what to say. “Yes, interesting,” he echoed lamely.
And really, it would have been quite a failure had it not been “interesting” - packed into just 80 minutes were a marvellous explosion, full frontal nudity, pyromania, Burt Bacharach, ballroom dancing, elevators, water, breaking glass, a bucket of water over the head, women scaling ladders in evening dresses and high heels and a dead baby. The dead baby - to be fair - was probably Euripides’ idea.
Katie Mitchell likes to assault the senses and keep one awake (a wise directorial objective when Andrew is in the house) but doesn’t she like to lay it on thick? In theory, this is right up the Whingers’ alley; there is no such thing as OTT in their dictionary. But even so… This production makes the recent fiery production of Euripedes’ The Bacchae look like a rehearsed reading in a church hall. It smacked at times of desperation. Desperately Seeking To Be Interesting featuring the music of Burt Bacharach and Hal David (”Close To You”. Honestly.)
Anyway, the Women of Troy are imprisoned in a port-side warehouse (with more doors than a French farce) waiting to hear what individual fates will be meted out to them by their conquerors.
Performance-wise it’s a bit of a mixed bag. We did enjoy Anastasia Hille as Andromache. She seems to have done a an awful lot of work with Katie in the past (The Jewish Wife at the Young Vic Theatre, Waves at the National Theatre, A Dream Play at the National Theatre, Forty Winks at the Royal Court Theatre, Ashes to Ashes at the Royal Court and Lincoln, The Oresteia at the National Theatre, The Maids at the Young Vic and Uncle Vanya at the Young Vic).
Kate Duchêne in the central role of Hecuba just about manages to keep it together but Sinead Matthews as Cassandra was an absolute disaster; we couldn’t hear a word she said. No, that’s unkind. We couldn’t hear three out of every five words she said.
But then it’s not always easy to come across when you have to do all the work upstage because the entire downstage area is cluttered up with a barrier of tables.
From Row E of the stalls (yes, for once Andrew had splashed out for armrests) the end of the play mostly consisted of watching Row D alternately trying to peer over and then under the table tops to see what Hecuba’s last actions might be. A worthless exercise as it turned out.
There were some really excellent ideas: the Women of Troy were having a party when they were invaded so Katie has put them all in evening dresses clutching their purses which really does get across the idea of “a life interrupted”. Quite whether the (admittedly technically good) quickstepping (sometimes in slow motion) adds anything to that is a moot point. Even if it was to one of the greatest quickstep records ever (”Sing, Sing”).
The only thing missing from the mix is video, which Katie seems to have gotten over for the moment, but where will she go next? What new assaults can she possibly work into her shows? The West End Whingers will not be surprised if audiences at her next show get handed a “Scratch and Sniff” card as they enter the auditorium.
For an insight into a week in the life of Katie Mitchell, see Katie Mitchell’s week.
It was a typically fraught visit to the National. Andrew tried to buy a programme from a kiosk on the way in to the auditorium. “I’m just cashing up, sir” said the woman at the desk but sold him one anyway. The next two people to attempt to purchase a programme from her were met with the same ritual. Why does she say that if she’s going to sell you one anyway? Just to communicate the personal inconvenience? Why doesn’t she cash up after the show begins and then she might find the whole process much less stressful.
Women of Troy: Dominic Cavendish talks to the creative team
Is there any other play in world drama in which the horror of war is more starkly and piteously depicted than it is in Women of Troy? DOMINIC CAVENDISH asks the questions...
Euripides’ tragedy presents its audience with a vision of total devastation. Troy has fallen to the Greeks, bringing to a blood-drenched close the 10-year conflict that began with Paris’ abduction of Helen, the wife of Agamemnon’s brother Menelaus. The consequences for the losers are dire. With their men-folk slain, those women who have survived face the prospect of being distributed as spoils. As a race, their future – embodied by Hector’s four-month-old son, Astyanax – is blotted out; the baby is taken from his mother Andromache and dashed to pieces. Before our eyes, a civilisation is wiped off the map: when the last ships depart with their slave cargo on board, Troy’s remnants are razed to the ground.
‘Soon no-one will remember this city, Everything is dying, even the name; There is no place on earth called Troy.’
As Katie Mitchell, directing the National’s new production of the play, explains: Euripides wasn’t drawing solely on the mythologised past in this account of systematic annihilation. He was writing in the wake of the Greeks’ ruthless subjugation of the island of Melos for its refusal to side with Athens against Sparta during the Peloponnesian War.
‘The play was triggered by his sense of moral outrage at what troops from his country had done to another country. I think Euripides was very angry and close to despair at the military situation he was living through.’ This revival, using a judiciously pruned version by Don Taylor, will see the Trojan women occupying an imaginary theatrical terrain that draws, as she explains, on four eras: ‘We’re drawing from the pot of the Bronze age, from Homer’s time, Euripides’ time and our time. This is a world in which the women can wear the latest ball-gowns and yet believe in several gods.’ In its modern aspect, it will be more explicitly up-to-the-minute than Mitchell’s widely lauded National productions of The Oresteia (2000) and Iphigenia at Aulis (2004). ‘You will see people wearing the clothes that will be worn at Christmas parties this season,’ she says. ‘You’ll be looking at a warehouse that could have been built in the last two decades, a functioning industrial port.’ And that’s because, as she argues, there’s nothing safely out of reach about what Euripides describes. ‘World events lead me to the Greeks,‘ she says. ‘When we did The Oresteia, the war in Yugoslavia was just coming to an end and I wanted to find a piece that would have a conversation with that conflict. When I did Iphigenia, the involvement in the Middle East was just beginning and now we’re involved yet again in the Middle East. The Greek plays seem to provide some of the best material to confront the bigger events in the world we’re living in.’
This is not going to be an evening for the faint- hearted. ‘It’s hard to make and hard to watch. You will watch what happened to people who are, in newspaper-speak, ‘collateral damage.’ But, contrary to how it might appear at first glance, the play isn’t simply an open invitation to bear witness to unbearable suffering. ‘When you first read it, it seems to be all about the grief of the Trojan women,’ Mitchell says. Actually, it’s about their conflict with the Greek men who have to oversee their transportation. The men in our production are more like civil servants and diplomats. They’re trying to negotiate so that both achieve some sense of what they want. The women want to know where they’re going. The men want to get them there with the least disturbance as possible, so that
they in turn can get back to their homes in Greece.’
It‘s a wonderfully subtle story. At some moments, the Greek soldiers show immense decency and at others lack entirely. Some moments the Trojans are careful and respectful and at other points they lose it. The question we‘re asking here is: how do people on the ground, in modern-day warfare, deal with the prisoners they’ve taken?’ When two cultures collide and the victor stares straight in the face of the vanquished
what happens?
During her career, KATIE MITCHELL has acquired a formidable reputation for being at once provocatively fresh in her approach and hugely rigorous in her method. Here she explains how she prepares before the rehearsal period:
First I do a series of analytical tasks on the material to check I understand every inch of it before I consider any interpretation. I take all the component elements apart and study them incredibly carefully and make sure my connection to the material is not biasing me in a certain direction. I do as much research as possible – you have to know why it was written, how it was initially performed, the historical context. Then I make decisions about how to communicate the play. I cut the material, foregrounding certain elements, and embark on the design process, looking for a logical environment in which all the action could realistically happen. You need to consider not just the place in which the play happens but the rest of the city.’
So immersed will her actors be in the world of the play by the end of rehearsals that they will be able to turn 360 degrees on stage, and their character will have a picture in their mind’s eye of what lies beyond – the geography, the history, even the time of day in their city... their beautiful, destroyed city.
BUNNY CHRISTIE explains the look of Women of Troy
The set model-box for Women of Troy is looking slightly the worse for wear when designer Bunny Christie tracks it down to one of the hangar-like workshops at the National where scenery construction takes place. Some of the diminutive walls aren’t aligned properly – a few are even arranged back to front. Christie is happy, though: ‘I love seeing it like this,’ she says. ‘If it’s bashed about that means that the team are hard at work bringing it to life. They’re getting stuck in.’
Just by looking at the model-box, you can see that Christie has been thinking on a grand scale. The Lyttelton stage will be dominated by a huge split-level warehouse interior, every aspect of which has been intricately thought through.
‘When we started thinking about how a group of prisoners of war would be moved in a modern context, we considered various locations – like airports and bus terminals. Early on, though, Katie decided that, because of the play’s many references to the sea, it should be a port.’
Christie visited and photographed ports in her native Scotland, principally Dundee and Leith. ’It gave me a good sense of the scale. There were then precise logistical problems that we needed to solve – like where do we put Cassandra? And how do we keep Helen away from the other women? We also needed to ensure the space could conceivably handle the processing of hundreds of women.’
Christie is no stranger to the National. She recently designed Philistines for the Lyttelton and prior to that Galileo in the Olivier. A longstanding fan of Katie Mitchell’s work, this is the first time the pair have collaborated and Christie has eagerly embraced the director’s meticulous working methods. ‘You don’t just deal with what’s being seen but what’s happening all around. How do the women get there? By train, by coach? And when they leave where are they going to? I sketched aerial views the area. We needed to create a whole world.’
Christie describes the warehouse space as ‘cold, industrial, dark’. Particular
decisions have added to that austerity. ‘Early on, we had some windows that were quite low down. We decided to remove those because it would be more threatening if the women couldn’t see where they were being taken to. They believe they’re being put on ships but they might be taken to their death.’
When the set is combined with Paule Constable’s lighting, the bombardments of Gareth Fry’s soundscape and Vicki Mortimer’s contemporary costumes, the effect should be stunning. ‘The audience will absolutely feel that there’s this great port outside where the ships are leaving and that the war is coming closer and closer.’ Finally, she adds. ‘We’ve been researching the effects of explosives. At the end, the bombs start falling overhead. People had better brace themselves.’
MICHAEL GOULD (Talthybius)
In this version of the play, Talthybius and Sinon are the Greek civil servants who supervise the Trojan women. Talthybius tells them how they’re going to be allocated and later he has to take Andromache’s son and drop him from the battlements. Is he the hate-figure in the play? To say that would undermine its complexity. I think he struggles with what he has to do but he knows he has to get it done because his overriding desire is to get home. You could say that women suffer at the hands of men but I think it’s more interesting to show that it’s human beings who suffer at the hands of war. War is the hate figure.
I’m one of a group of seven women who are the last of the evacuees to be rounded up and shipped out. We’ve inferred that they’re educated but within that shared class background, there are separate life stories. In rehearsal, we gather through provisation a set of mental pictures that we’re going to draw on in relation to particular moments of the play. These women witness specific acts of horror, carnage and massacre. By building up a detailed back-history, when these moments arise, they should really resonate. So, if you have a memory of treating a slave badly, the thought of becoming a slave yourself taps into that guilt and fear. It’s about making those moments very real, not just acting out generalised distress. And on a deep level, the play is looking at how any of us might behave in a chaotic violent situation.
At the start of the play, the Trojan queen Hecuba has two daughters. One is taken away from her to become a slave, the second she learns has been butchered. Then her four-month old grandson – the last remaining royal – is taken away and thrown from the battlements. These are about the worst things that can happen to a human being and it feels like a gruelling part to undertake. Sometimes I think ‘Why are we putting ourselves through it?’ But actually in the world today there are women who have to suffer far worse things than we see on stage. Like most people I block out things I see on the news. The play feels like an attempt to cut through that blocking mechanism and confront what we’re too scared to look at.
Articles written by Dominic Cavendish, theatre critic for the Daily Telegraph and founder of
Friday, 23 November 2007
Unit 3 retake revision
Unit 3
unit 3 text in context
1 a) evaluate your contribution to the performance by tracing key moments during the journey from first reading of the play to final rehearsal.
b) Evaluate how specific rehearsal techniques were used within the group to help develop two characters.
2 Discuss the impact on your audience of one design element in your performance
b) Analyse the contributions made to the play in performance by two members of your group.
3 Evaluate the reaction of your audience to two specific moments from the play in performance
b Discuss your directors interpretation of the play and its impact upon your audience.
On one live production you have seen
4 a) Evaluate how effectively two performers used acting techniques in order to engage you during the performance.
b) Discuss the visual impact of the performance, giving two examples to show how this was achieved.
5. Evaluate the way the passage of time and/or a change of location were achieved during the performance.
b) Discuss the visual impact of the performance, giving two examples to show how this was achieved.
6 a) Evaluate how effectively theatrical devices used in the performance made the play relevant to you as a member of the audience.
b) Discuss to what extent the performance you have seen was presented as a product of our time.
See Debby for guidance if you are retaking this unit.
unit 3 text in context
1 a) evaluate your contribution to the performance by tracing key moments during the journey from first reading of the play to final rehearsal.
b) Evaluate how specific rehearsal techniques were used within the group to help develop two characters.
2 Discuss the impact on your audience of one design element in your performance
b) Analyse the contributions made to the play in performance by two members of your group.
3 Evaluate the reaction of your audience to two specific moments from the play in performance
b Discuss your directors interpretation of the play and its impact upon your audience.
On one live production you have seen
4 a) Evaluate how effectively two performers used acting techniques in order to engage you during the performance.
b) Discuss the visual impact of the performance, giving two examples to show how this was achieved.
5. Evaluate the way the passage of time and/or a change of location were achieved during the performance.
b) Discuss the visual impact of the performance, giving two examples to show how this was achieved.
6 a) Evaluate how effectively theatrical devices used in the performance made the play relevant to you as a member of the audience.
b) Discuss to what extent the performance you have seen was presented as a product of our time.
See Debby for guidance if you are retaking this unit.
Unit 3 retake revision
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Year 13 Devised play "Daylight Robbery"
The year 13 have devised their play as part of their unit 4 theatre studies exam. They are performing it at 6pm and 7pm today. Here are some photos of their dress rehearsal.
Thursday, 18 October 2007
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Friday, 28 September 2007
year 13 Growoski lesson plan ( for structured records)
Aims & objectives
A01i Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which playwrights, directors, designers and performers use the medium of drama to create theatre and are affected by social, cultural and historical influences.
A01ii Evaluate the effectiveness of the ways in which playwrights, directors, designers and performers use the medium of drama to communicate their ideas to an audience demonstrating knowledge and understanding of social, cultural and historical contexts
A02i Interpret plays and ideas using the medium of drama in a sophisticated way and justify any artistic decisions from the standpoint of an informed playwright, director, performer and/or designer
A02ii Communicate ideas, feelings and/or meaning to an audience making effective use of performing and/or design skills in response to a scripted play.
A03ii Communicate ideas, feelings and/or meaning to an audience making effective use of performing and/or design skills within the context of both devised and scripted work.
Planned structure / activity
Warm up
Grotowski warm up exercises from Towards a poor theatre
Rhythmical walking while the hands and arms rotate/ running on tiptoe
Flight weightlessness. Walk with knees bent, hand on hips.
Walk with knees bent gripping the ankles. Walk with knees bent, hands touching the outside edges of the feet/ holding the toes with one’s fingers. Walk with legs rigid as though pulled by imaginary strings.
Start in curled up position/take small short jumps forward/ land in same position with hands by feet.
Metal band
Imagine a metal band around the chest. Stretch it by means of vigorous expansion of trunk Take a lying position and then roll vigorously left and then right across the floor./ jumps like a kangaroo.
Sit on the floor and bring head to the knees.
These exercises warm up the body and allow the student to explore their movement capability.
Hand exercise
Touch/skim/feel/caress various objects
Then the whole body expresses these tactile sensations.
Oppositions of the body
One part of the body opposes the other - upper opposes the lower part of the body. A hand versus a leg. Use adjectives e.g. happy versus angry.
Unexpected movements
Do the opposite movement to that which you had intended – direction changed after a brief moment of immobility.
Blossoming/ withering of the body.
Slowly grow with confidence towards the sun and then wither back, then blossom again.
Emotional impulse of a body part- e.g. Shoulder cries like a face, e.g. a greedy knee.
Arbitary Cycle
To embrace
To take
To take for oneself
To possess
To protect
Create a piece of movement that expresses that cycle in a group/individual
Add music; discuss the emotions and story that organically grow from this stimulus.
Create a movement piece that encapsulates all of these exercises on the theme of open to same piece of music.
Present and evaluate work
Growoski Towards a Poor Theatre
Music Terma
Ry Cooder
A01i Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which playwrights, directors, designers and performers use the medium of drama to create theatre and are affected by social, cultural and historical influences.
A01ii Evaluate the effectiveness of the ways in which playwrights, directors, designers and performers use the medium of drama to communicate their ideas to an audience demonstrating knowledge and understanding of social, cultural and historical contexts
A02i Interpret plays and ideas using the medium of drama in a sophisticated way and justify any artistic decisions from the standpoint of an informed playwright, director, performer and/or designer
A02ii Communicate ideas, feelings and/or meaning to an audience making effective use of performing and/or design skills in response to a scripted play.
A03ii Communicate ideas, feelings and/or meaning to an audience making effective use of performing and/or design skills within the context of both devised and scripted work.
Planned structure / activity
Warm up
Grotowski warm up exercises from Towards a poor theatre
Rhythmical walking while the hands and arms rotate/ running on tiptoe
Flight weightlessness. Walk with knees bent, hand on hips.
Walk with knees bent gripping the ankles. Walk with knees bent, hands touching the outside edges of the feet/ holding the toes with one’s fingers. Walk with legs rigid as though pulled by imaginary strings.
Start in curled up position/take small short jumps forward/ land in same position with hands by feet.
Metal band
Imagine a metal band around the chest. Stretch it by means of vigorous expansion of trunk Take a lying position and then roll vigorously left and then right across the floor./ jumps like a kangaroo.
Sit on the floor and bring head to the knees.
These exercises warm up the body and allow the student to explore their movement capability.
Hand exercise
Touch/skim/feel/caress various objects
Then the whole body expresses these tactile sensations.
Oppositions of the body
One part of the body opposes the other - upper opposes the lower part of the body. A hand versus a leg. Use adjectives e.g. happy versus angry.
Unexpected movements
Do the opposite movement to that which you had intended – direction changed after a brief moment of immobility.
Blossoming/ withering of the body.
Slowly grow with confidence towards the sun and then wither back, then blossom again.
Emotional impulse of a body part- e.g. Shoulder cries like a face, e.g. a greedy knee.
Arbitary Cycle
To embrace
To take
To take for oneself
To possess
To protect
Create a piece of movement that expresses that cycle in a group/individual
Add music; discuss the emotions and story that organically grow from this stimulus.
Create a movement piece that encapsulates all of these exercises on the theme of open to same piece of music.
Present and evaluate work
Growoski Towards a Poor Theatre
Music Terma
Ry Cooder
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Monday, 24 September 2007
Devised project rehearsal schedule and structured record deadlines for year 13
WEEK 2:SEPT 17th-21st
RESEARCHING/ opening scene ideas
WEEK 3: Sept 24th-28th
WEEK4 1st oct-5th Oct
WEEK 5 oct 8th-12th
WEEK 6 Oct 15th-19th
PLOT/STRUCTURE/ all scenes done
WEEK 7 5th Nov-9th nov
WEEK 8 12th-16th Nov
Dress rehearsals/set building etc poster
Week 9 Nov 19th-
Open dress rehearsals
NOV 21st
Performance exam
WEEK 2:SEPT 17th-21st
RESEARCHING/ opening scene ideas
WEEK 3: Sept 24th-28th
WEEK4 1st oct-5th Oct
WEEK 5 oct 8th-12th
WEEK 6 Oct 15th-19th
PLOT/STRUCTURE/ all scenes done
WEEK 7 5th Nov-9th nov
WEEK 8 12th-16th Nov
Dress rehearsals/set building etc poster
Week 9 Nov 19th-
Open dress rehearsals
NOV 21st
Performance exam
Schedule for Year 13 Structured record
Wed 28th November
Draft 1-5
Tuesday 11th December
Draft 6-10
Final Draft
Structured record
Monday Feb 4th 2008
Also you need to find a play for January(20 minute play) to direct yourselves in!!!!
WEEK 2:SEPT 17th-21st
RESEARCHING/ opening scene ideas
WEEK 3: Sept 24th-28th
WEEK4 1st oct-5th Oct
WEEK 5 oct 8th-12th
WEEK 6 Oct 15th-19th
PLOT/STRUCTURE/ all scenes done
WEEK 7 5th Nov-9th nov
WEEK 8 12th-16th Nov
Dress rehearsals/set building etc poster
Week 9 Nov 19th-
Open dress rehearsals
NOV 21st
Performance exam
WEEK 2:SEPT 17th-21st
RESEARCHING/ opening scene ideas
WEEK 3: Sept 24th-28th
WEEK4 1st oct-5th Oct
WEEK 5 oct 8th-12th
WEEK 6 Oct 15th-19th
PLOT/STRUCTURE/ all scenes done
WEEK 7 5th Nov-9th nov
WEEK 8 12th-16th Nov
Dress rehearsals/set building etc poster
Week 9 Nov 19th-
Open dress rehearsals
NOV 21st
Performance exam
Schedule for Year 13 Structured record
Wed 28th November
Draft 1-5
Tuesday 11th December
Draft 6-10
Final Draft
Structured record
Monday Feb 4th 2008
Also you need to find a play for January(20 minute play) to direct yourselves in!!!!
Friday, 21 September 2007
guidance for structured records for year 13
1. How did your role emerge and how was it communicated?
Describe briefly your role. If you play more than one character then describe all the roles and their function in the play. Then choose one or two characters you can focus on and analysis:
Their function in the play
How did you work on developing the character?
What techniques did you use?
Stanislavski system or are they Brechtian characters?
What did your character contribute to the message of the play?
Physical and vocal and objectives of your character
Relationship with other characters and the audience
2. In what way was the Stimulus material developed through the drama process?
Explain how you used Physical theatre techniques
Artaud/Growotski workshops
Give specific examples from the play and analyse in detail
Body language/ Vocal techniques
Communication and relationship with the audience.
Also use one piece of stimulus you all agreed on text/poetry/ music and analyse how it was used during the process of devising.
3. How did group skills contribute to the development of the drama?
Analyse what skills each member of the group is strongest at and then give examples where they demonstrated that strength. For example who was best at research? Who gave the most ideas? Who shaped ideas well into scenes?
Who was the natural leader? Who mediated well? Who was a good listener? Who was the problem solver? Etc.
4. In what ways were acting techniques or design elements and dramatic form used to achieve the intended effect?
Analyse specific moments from the play and analyse the techniques you used and why you chose the forms you did and what you wanted to communicate to an audience through those techniques. N/B:Explain what the technique is before analyzing how you used it.
With design explain what the set or lighting design was meant to communicate to the audience, pick specific moments where the set and lighting was most effective and analyse why.
5. How did the group plan for a range of responses from the audience?
Think about what you want to communicate to an audience, what styles and techniques did you use? Quotes from Practitioners are vital. Give specific examples from the play and analyse what responses you wanted to achieve and then analyse the reponses you actually got from the final performance. This is focussing on audience /actor relationship
Things to mention:
What do you want the audience to think? feel? How will you achieve this.
eg: Dialectic: Do you want them to think about what they are seeing and want to change society?
Do you want them to have a subconscious connection with the meaning:
Perhaps through where you are placing them in the action. Artaud placing of audience in centre of action?
How are you achieving this? Set/ projections/episodic scenes? evaluate (So looking at the structure rather than the specific scenes.
In what ways were acting techniques or design elements and drama forms used to achieve intended effects.
This focuses on the rehearsal process as well as the final product.
Things to mention:
briefly the intended effects then how did you achieve them.
Did you use naturalistic acting in the piece? why? what effect did it give?
Did you use direct address to the audience?
voice over? again why?
sensory exercises eg artaud workshop?
lighting/set ideas why?
use of sound?
how did this create intended effects.
Did you use Stanislavski or Brecht techniques to achieve the characters or Grotowski and Artaud techniques to create the intended effects how?
6. How did Rehearsals and the production process contribute to the final performance?
Analyse the workshops we did, the choices you made in rehearsals. Give specific examples from the scenes in the play. Quote, analyse how and why they contributed to the final production.
7. Explain how research material was gathered and used within the process
Give clear examples of the research material you used
Then link it directly to specific scenes or character development that came from the research.
Analyse the choices you made and how and why you used the research and how effective it was.
8. Evaluate the ways in which ideas were communicated to the audience.
The key word here is ideas . Think about the message and meaning of the piece and the debate you are setting up and how you are communicating it to the audience.
Things to mention:
The scenes described and evaluated using the message as a focus.
9. Explore the impact of social, cultural and or historical conditions on the work.
1. As your piece is exploring an issue historically to present day, it is a vital part of your devising process. Therefore analyse the moments in history you have used in the play,
Why did you choose those moments?
How do they compare and contrast with present day?
How did they inform on the message of your play?
Give specific examples from the scenes and analyse how and why you used them. What impact do you want to make with these references to the past? Explain and explore this using specific examples and quotes.
10. Indicate how the influences and ideas of other playwrights and /or directors, designers and performers have been used.
Artaud/ Growotski/ Brecht/ Complicite/ Stanislaki.
Analyse and quote from the practitioners and use specific scenes from your play where you can see a direct influence from their work. It may be from character development in rehearsal to choices of audience / actor relationship to use of theatre space etc.
NB/ In all your answers clear quotes from practitioners is vital with analysis of quotes and techniques. Do not leave a quote hanging. Do not just mention a technique without explaining what it is and its function in theatre. Then always give clear examples from the play to back up your points. You must always mention the message in your piece in each essay.
Structured records must each be two sides of A4.
Describe briefly your role. If you play more than one character then describe all the roles and their function in the play. Then choose one or two characters you can focus on and analysis:
Their function in the play
How did you work on developing the character?
What techniques did you use?
Stanislavski system or are they Brechtian characters?
What did your character contribute to the message of the play?
Physical and vocal and objectives of your character
Relationship with other characters and the audience
2. In what way was the Stimulus material developed through the drama process?
Explain how you used Physical theatre techniques
Artaud/Growotski workshops
Give specific examples from the play and analyse in detail
Body language/ Vocal techniques
Communication and relationship with the audience.
Also use one piece of stimulus you all agreed on text/poetry/ music and analyse how it was used during the process of devising.
3. How did group skills contribute to the development of the drama?
Analyse what skills each member of the group is strongest at and then give examples where they demonstrated that strength. For example who was best at research? Who gave the most ideas? Who shaped ideas well into scenes?
Who was the natural leader? Who mediated well? Who was a good listener? Who was the problem solver? Etc.
4. In what ways were acting techniques or design elements and dramatic form used to achieve the intended effect?
Analyse specific moments from the play and analyse the techniques you used and why you chose the forms you did and what you wanted to communicate to an audience through those techniques. N/B:Explain what the technique is before analyzing how you used it.
With design explain what the set or lighting design was meant to communicate to the audience, pick specific moments where the set and lighting was most effective and analyse why.
5. How did the group plan for a range of responses from the audience?
Think about what you want to communicate to an audience, what styles and techniques did you use? Quotes from Practitioners are vital. Give specific examples from the play and analyse what responses you wanted to achieve and then analyse the reponses you actually got from the final performance. This is focussing on audience /actor relationship
Things to mention:
What do you want the audience to think? feel? How will you achieve this.
eg: Dialectic: Do you want them to think about what they are seeing and want to change society?
Do you want them to have a subconscious connection with the meaning:
Perhaps through where you are placing them in the action. Artaud placing of audience in centre of action?
How are you achieving this? Set/ projections/episodic scenes? evaluate (So looking at the structure rather than the specific scenes.
In what ways were acting techniques or design elements and drama forms used to achieve intended effects.
This focuses on the rehearsal process as well as the final product.
Things to mention:
briefly the intended effects then how did you achieve them.
Did you use naturalistic acting in the piece? why? what effect did it give?
Did you use direct address to the audience?
voice over? again why?
sensory exercises eg artaud workshop?
lighting/set ideas why?
use of sound?
how did this create intended effects.
Did you use Stanislavski or Brecht techniques to achieve the characters or Grotowski and Artaud techniques to create the intended effects how?
6. How did Rehearsals and the production process contribute to the final performance?
Analyse the workshops we did, the choices you made in rehearsals. Give specific examples from the scenes in the play. Quote, analyse how and why they contributed to the final production.
7. Explain how research material was gathered and used within the process
Give clear examples of the research material you used
Then link it directly to specific scenes or character development that came from the research.
Analyse the choices you made and how and why you used the research and how effective it was.
8. Evaluate the ways in which ideas were communicated to the audience.
The key word here is ideas . Think about the message and meaning of the piece and the debate you are setting up and how you are communicating it to the audience.
Things to mention:
The scenes described and evaluated using the message as a focus.
9. Explore the impact of social, cultural and or historical conditions on the work.
1. As your piece is exploring an issue historically to present day, it is a vital part of your devising process. Therefore analyse the moments in history you have used in the play,
Why did you choose those moments?
How do they compare and contrast with present day?
How did they inform on the message of your play?
Give specific examples from the scenes and analyse how and why you used them. What impact do you want to make with these references to the past? Explain and explore this using specific examples and quotes.
10. Indicate how the influences and ideas of other playwrights and /or directors, designers and performers have been used.
Artaud/ Growotski/ Brecht/ Complicite/ Stanislaki.
Analyse and quote from the practitioners and use specific scenes from your play where you can see a direct influence from their work. It may be from character development in rehearsal to choices of audience / actor relationship to use of theatre space etc.
NB/ In all your answers clear quotes from practitioners is vital with analysis of quotes and techniques. Do not leave a quote hanging. Do not just mention a technique without explaining what it is and its function in theatre. Then always give clear examples from the play to back up your points. You must always mention the message in your piece in each essay.
Structured records must each be two sides of A4.
Notes for Year 13 to guide Unit 6 notes
A guide to Unit 6 Section A
Annotated scripts: What should I write?
The Social, cultural and historical context surrounding the writing and performing of the play and its relevance to a contemporary audience.
For example:
The Greeks reasons for having plays performed.
The function of plays and characters within the plays.
The themes of the play and communicated through the language and plot.
The history behind the plot of the play.
The ways in which the playwright has structured the play and uses plot, language, forms, characterisation and stagecraft to communicate ideas to an audience.
For example:
Function of chorus
Theatre space
Role of men and women in the play
Direct address
The proposed production methods being used to communicate the directors ideas to an audience.
Theatre space
Actor/audience relationship
Structure of scenes
The performers and/or designers contribution to the realisation of the scene in line with the overall production concept.
For example:
Acting style: What style should you use and why?
Design: For a production and /or a particular scene in the play, including diagrams
Overall production concept; What are you trying to say?
The development and shaping of an original production concept for the play as a director.
Take your overall production concept and discuss how you would communicate that to an audience through acting style/ theatre space/costume design and structure and how you would realise it through rehearsal techniques.
The planning and communication of ideas to members of a design team.
Notes outlining what themes and practical needs do you have to communicate your production concept to an audience. How will design and costume and lighting help?
The planning and structuring of a rehearsal based on characterisation.
Rehearsal techniques for particular characters
Key scenes: identify what are the key scenes
Acting style: work on voice and movement and language and communication of themes.
The planning and structuring of a rehearsal based on the exploration of meaning
Communication of ideas/themes/character objectives
Acting style/voice/movement always thinking of themes, ideas, objectives within the scenes. Again identify key moments from the play to work on.
Some practice questions:
See Edexcel website :
There are several practice exams and questions for you to try out.
Section B
This part of the exam requires students to see one live performance of a play. This year it is A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream at the Roundhouse Theatre, Camden.
Then compare it with 3 other contexts drawn from secondary research sources.
The periods should cover the following periods:
Consideration of the original 16th/17th century performance conditions
Consideration of 18th/19th century
A production of the play in the 20th century
A contemporary production of the play seen as a live performance.
The notes should be as follows : pages 1-4 on the contemporary play
Pages 5-6 20th century production details
Pages 7-8 18th/19th century
Pages 9-10 16th/17th century
So what should be placed in each of the pages?
Historical/social/economic situation of the time.
Acting style
Theatre layout
Visual elements
Moments from the play including textual analysis
Quotes from research/ and the play to back up your points
Class structure
Actor/audience relationship
Annotated scripts: What should I write?
The Social, cultural and historical context surrounding the writing and performing of the play and its relevance to a contemporary audience.
For example:
The Greeks reasons for having plays performed.
The function of plays and characters within the plays.
The themes of the play and communicated through the language and plot.
The history behind the plot of the play.
The ways in which the playwright has structured the play and uses plot, language, forms, characterisation and stagecraft to communicate ideas to an audience.
For example:
Function of chorus
Theatre space
Role of men and women in the play
Direct address
The proposed production methods being used to communicate the directors ideas to an audience.
Theatre space
Actor/audience relationship
Structure of scenes
The performers and/or designers contribution to the realisation of the scene in line with the overall production concept.
For example:
Acting style: What style should you use and why?
Design: For a production and /or a particular scene in the play, including diagrams
Overall production concept; What are you trying to say?
The development and shaping of an original production concept for the play as a director.
Take your overall production concept and discuss how you would communicate that to an audience through acting style/ theatre space/costume design and structure and how you would realise it through rehearsal techniques.
The planning and communication of ideas to members of a design team.
Notes outlining what themes and practical needs do you have to communicate your production concept to an audience. How will design and costume and lighting help?
The planning and structuring of a rehearsal based on characterisation.
Rehearsal techniques for particular characters
Key scenes: identify what are the key scenes
Acting style: work on voice and movement and language and communication of themes.
The planning and structuring of a rehearsal based on the exploration of meaning
Communication of ideas/themes/character objectives
Acting style/voice/movement always thinking of themes, ideas, objectives within the scenes. Again identify key moments from the play to work on.
Some practice questions:
See Edexcel website :
There are several practice exams and questions for you to try out.
Section B
This part of the exam requires students to see one live performance of a play. This year it is A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream at the Roundhouse Theatre, Camden.
Then compare it with 3 other contexts drawn from secondary research sources.
The periods should cover the following periods:
Consideration of the original 16th/17th century performance conditions
Consideration of 18th/19th century
A production of the play in the 20th century
A contemporary production of the play seen as a live performance.
The notes should be as follows : pages 1-4 on the contemporary play
Pages 5-6 20th century production details
Pages 7-8 18th/19th century
Pages 9-10 16th/17th century
So what should be placed in each of the pages?
Historical/social/economic situation of the time.
Acting style
Theatre layout
Visual elements
Moments from the play including textual analysis
Quotes from research/ and the play to back up your points
Class structure
Actor/audience relationship
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Deadlines and Mock it for year 11
Guidance for Mock Paper 3
To be performed in the Drama Studio in week beginning 7th November 2007
1) The minimum number in a group is three , the maximum is twelve.
2) The length of the piece should be no longer than 5mins per person in the group. So a group of 3 would have a 15 minute show.
3) Look at comparison of courses sheet for options. eg. scripted piece, devised, costume etc.
The performance should include a good understanding of
a)drama techniques.
b)sustaining character
c)good working relationship within the group.Giving and taking ideas.
d)good use of space and movement
e) vocal quality to communicate character.
The next draft for The Woman in Black course work is the 1st October and final deadline for coursework is 1st December. Please see Debby or Lydia for help with your drafts.
Friday, 14 September 2007
Macbeth at Gielgud Theatre
An anatomy of the relationship between ambition and corruption, Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's most bloody and fear-filled tragedies.
Rupert Goold, who recently directed Patrick Stewart in the Royal Shakespeare Company's acclaimed production of The Tempest, now directs Stewart as Macbeth, the man who murders king and comrade in his quest for the crown, only to lose it all.
Complicite "A disappearing number"
Staged with Complicite's characteristic elegance and startling visual originality, A Disappearing Number takes as its starting point one of the most mysterious and romantic mathematical collaborations of all time.
This is a story about connections between ideas, cultures and times. In London a man attempts to unravel the secrets of his lover. In Bangalore a woman collapses on a train. In Cambridge in 1914 Englishman GH Hardy seeks to comprehend the ideas of the Indian prodigy Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Simultaneously a narrative and an investigation, A Disappearing Number weaves a provocative theatrical pattern about our relentless compulsion to understand.
Punchdrunk Theatre Visit
Mon - Sat, 17 Sept 2007 - 12 Jan 2008.
Battersea Arts Centre, Lavender Hill, London SW11 5TN
The Masque of the Red Death follows Punchdrunk's smash-hit Faust , which won a Critics' Circle Award in 2006. Journey into a macabre world and explore the four corners of Battersea Arts Centre’s Old Town Hall as Punchdrunk immerses the entire site in Poe's imagination. Inspired by the classic short stories of Edgar Allan Poe, The Masque of the Red Death is an indoor promenade performance lasting up to 3 hours, with two entry times at 7.15pm and 7.45pm . Evening dress is optional . On Friday and Saturday nights tickets for The Masque of The Red Death include entry into Red Death Late Nights, an after-show party with live music, dancing and surprise mystery guests .
Year 13 TTheatre Visit
Reverence was at the Salisbury Playhouse on 13th September 2007
Reverence - A tale of Abelard and Heloise
Around nine centuries ago, French scholar Peter Abelard and his beautiful, young pupil Heloise fell in love.
Exploiting to the full the dramatic potential of Southwark Playhouse’s atmospheric and stylish new venue, writer Gillian Clarke’s retelling of their tale, directed by Joel Scott, underscores its modernity, yet takes us right back to the chilling, medieval horror and complexity of what they endured.
As we wander rapt through cavernous vaults in this promenade performance, we are not just an audience, but religious novices, peering fearfully into the gloom. The lovers’ tragedy is not remote, but a trauma shaking our own community.
Pieter Lawman’s Abelard is fiery, wiry and burning with passionate intelligence. His Heloise (Leandra Ashton) is more sensual, but just as bright and a feminist opponent of blind obedience.
Their great ally is the reassuring, jesting but ultimately tragic Odile (Ian Summers). Those who undo them range from the querulous acolyte Thomas (Michael Cox) to the murderous William (Jason Cheater) and the lusting Canon Fulbert (Patrick Driver).
As Heloise’s jealous uncle, Fulbert deals the cruellest blows to Abelard, not just denying him his manhood, but denying him intellectual influence and ensuring posterity would remember him rather as a doomed lover than the greatest philosopher of his time.
Friday, 6 July 2007
year 10 written response
Year 10 written responses
Write about lesson one.
Pick one or two exercises and analyse what the drama technique is and
how it was used in the scene
Analyse how you used it and how effective it was
Use diagrams to analyse, body language and facial expression. Use of space, and the meaning behind the scene or freeze frame.
2 Development phase
Write about lesson three or four:
Pick one or two exercises and analyse what the drama technique is and
how it was used in the scene
Analyse how you used it and how effective it was
Use diagrams to analyse, body language and facial expression. Use of space, and the meaning behind the scene or freeze frame.
3 Play review
See attached sheet for guidance
SCHEME OF WORK Paper One Unit 2
Assessed criteria
a) Explorative Strategies
Still image
Forum theatre
b)The Drama Medium
The use of set/props
The use of voice
The use of movement, mime, and or/gesture
The use of space and/or levels
c) The elements of drama
Research background of Victorian England and its family values/ technology/views of marriage etc. (handout on marriage read for homework)
In pairs/groups
• Key rules of society shown through still images (a) linked by narration (a) and /or captions (a)
Exploration of themes
Discuss the themes of the play:In groups
Duty/ honour
• Create a still image (a) exploring one of these themes from Victorian times/ present day/ possible future linked by spoken thoughts (a) and then develop to role play (a). Discuss differences between a Victorian reaction to these themes and a modern reaction.
(assessed) Storytelling as a style
An exploration of acting style of how to communicate plot and content and character. Using narration (a) and role play (a)/props/costume/set(b) etc. In groups
use plot summary handout to present main points of play. Present.
Exploration of character (off the Text)
Exploration of past/present and future
Imagine the woman in black or one of the main characters in the attic of the house.
• Individual work: magic box: pull out from box in the attic some objects important to their lives. Choose one object and using automatic writing write their thoughts and feelings towards this object.
• Group work: Choose one of the characters and their object and create a scene which shows how that object from the past has affected their present life. Use different techniques include some of the automatic writing in the piece.
Notes for portfolio (task one)
PAGE 39: Sam Daily’s Speech
Read extract and discuss what rules of society gave to young women who got pregnant out of wedlock? In groups, hot seat one as woman in black to discover her feelings behind this story.
In groups
Explore and present this story from the woman in black’s perspective. The exploration involves using roleplay (a) still images(a) narration(a) and the use of movement, mime and/or gesture(b).
Notes for portfolio Task 2
Forum Theatre (off the text)Whole group
A talk show where the woman in black accuses Alice Drablow of allowing her baby to die and stealing her baby. Alice Drablow defends herself.
Students can stop the action at any moment to take over the role-to try and find a solution.
Text work Creating tension
page 41-42
Discuss as a whole group how these pages were presented on stage and how they used techniques to communicate the nightmare quality.
In groups, using voice (b), the use of movement, mime/or gesture (b) and the use of space and or levels (b) re-create this scene. The students can use parts of the script or the whole of the scene to communicate the atmosphere, tension and climax (c) of the scene, present.
off the text:
Create in whole group their own ghost story using narration, the use of movement, mime/or gesture and the use of space and or levels to create tension. Present and evaluate.
TAUGHT Use of Language
Page 34:Read the extract of the child’s nursery
Whole group.
Create using still image (a) and symbols(c)the nursery
Using narration (a)from the extract add significant descriptions of the objects, then add spoken thoughts(a) from the objects in the room about memories of the child or the woman in black, present.
In pairs choose one of the other characters rooms and write a short description of the room(read out). Evaluate the effectiveness and clarity of description.
In small groups repeat earlier exercise and compare the detail of the description and effectiveness of the language and how this tells us about the characters and the times and their thoughts and feelings.
(assessed) After the play
Consider the actor at the end of the play
Write a letter to your wife or a diary entry explaining your fears after what you have experienced. Read out.
In pairs
Create a scene where the wife reads either the letter or diary entry and confronts her husband .Role play(a) Present
In groups:
Create a scene showing what happens to the actor and his wife, will the curse continue or do they manage to stop it?
Use narration(a) still image(a), The use of movement, mime, and or gesture(b), The use of set and props (b) and forms(c) to explore this.
Present and evaluate.
Notes for portfolio task one and two
Evaluate the whole scheme of work
What did they learn about the play’s themes and meaning and about creating theatre through text.
Write about lesson one.
Pick one or two exercises and analyse what the drama technique is and
how it was used in the scene
Analyse how you used it and how effective it was
Use diagrams to analyse, body language and facial expression. Use of space, and the meaning behind the scene or freeze frame.
2 Development phase
Write about lesson three or four:
Pick one or two exercises and analyse what the drama technique is and
how it was used in the scene
Analyse how you used it and how effective it was
Use diagrams to analyse, body language and facial expression. Use of space, and the meaning behind the scene or freeze frame.
3 Play review
See attached sheet for guidance
SCHEME OF WORK Paper One Unit 2
Assessed criteria
a) Explorative Strategies
Still image
Forum theatre
b)The Drama Medium
The use of set/props
The use of voice
The use of movement, mime, and or/gesture
The use of space and/or levels
c) The elements of drama
Research background of Victorian England and its family values/ technology/views of marriage etc. (handout on marriage read for homework)
In pairs/groups
• Key rules of society shown through still images (a) linked by narration (a) and /or captions (a)
Exploration of themes
Discuss the themes of the play:In groups
Duty/ honour
• Create a still image (a) exploring one of these themes from Victorian times/ present day/ possible future linked by spoken thoughts (a) and then develop to role play (a). Discuss differences between a Victorian reaction to these themes and a modern reaction.
(assessed) Storytelling as a style
An exploration of acting style of how to communicate plot and content and character. Using narration (a) and role play (a)/props/costume/set(b) etc. In groups
use plot summary handout to present main points of play. Present.
Exploration of character (off the Text)
Exploration of past/present and future
Imagine the woman in black or one of the main characters in the attic of the house.
• Individual work: magic box: pull out from box in the attic some objects important to their lives. Choose one object and using automatic writing write their thoughts and feelings towards this object.
• Group work: Choose one of the characters and their object and create a scene which shows how that object from the past has affected their present life. Use different techniques include some of the automatic writing in the piece.
Notes for portfolio (task one)
PAGE 39: Sam Daily’s Speech
Read extract and discuss what rules of society gave to young women who got pregnant out of wedlock? In groups, hot seat one as woman in black to discover her feelings behind this story.
In groups
Explore and present this story from the woman in black’s perspective. The exploration involves using roleplay (a) still images(a) narration(a) and the use of movement, mime and/or gesture(b).
Notes for portfolio Task 2
Forum Theatre (off the text)Whole group
A talk show where the woman in black accuses Alice Drablow of allowing her baby to die and stealing her baby. Alice Drablow defends herself.
Students can stop the action at any moment to take over the role-to try and find a solution.
Text work Creating tension
page 41-42
Discuss as a whole group how these pages were presented on stage and how they used techniques to communicate the nightmare quality.
In groups, using voice (b), the use of movement, mime/or gesture (b) and the use of space and or levels (b) re-create this scene. The students can use parts of the script or the whole of the scene to communicate the atmosphere, tension and climax (c) of the scene, present.
off the text:
Create in whole group their own ghost story using narration, the use of movement, mime/or gesture and the use of space and or levels to create tension. Present and evaluate.
TAUGHT Use of Language
Page 34:Read the extract of the child’s nursery
Whole group.
Create using still image (a) and symbols(c)the nursery
Using narration (a)from the extract add significant descriptions of the objects, then add spoken thoughts(a) from the objects in the room about memories of the child or the woman in black, present.
In pairs choose one of the other characters rooms and write a short description of the room(read out). Evaluate the effectiveness and clarity of description.
In small groups repeat earlier exercise and compare the detail of the description and effectiveness of the language and how this tells us about the characters and the times and their thoughts and feelings.
(assessed) After the play
Consider the actor at the end of the play
Write a letter to your wife or a diary entry explaining your fears after what you have experienced. Read out.
In pairs
Create a scene where the wife reads either the letter or diary entry and confronts her husband .Role play(a) Present
In groups:
Create a scene showing what happens to the actor and his wife, will the curse continue or do they manage to stop it?
Use narration(a) still image(a), The use of movement, mime, and or gesture(b), The use of set and props (b) and forms(c) to explore this.
Present and evaluate.
Notes for portfolio task one and two
Evaluate the whole scheme of work
What did they learn about the play’s themes and meaning and about creating theatre through text.
Year 10 written responses
Friday, 29 June 2007
stimulus for devised plays
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Summer revision for year 12 going into year 13
1. Create a stimulus book for your paper 4 devised piece.
This includes pictures, poems,plays ,books, quotes from newspapers, music etc.
To bring to first lesson after summer
2. Read Trojan Women and as a director create a plan for how you would direct the first scene with the gods.
3. Read Artaud Theatre and its Double, Peter Brook The Empty Space and There are no secrects and Grotowski Towards a Poor Theatre. Make notes on their main aims as practitioners.
4. Read handout on Greek Theatre.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
past productions of A Midsummer's Night's dream for reference for Unit 6 exam
Peter Hall revived his 1959 production of Dream in 1962 and again in 1963 at the Aldwych followed by a provincial tour. Hall's production also inspired his own 1969 film version. Each revival included certain cast changes, and various modifications to setting and action to suit the performing conditions, but, in essence, the basic production and design concepts remained virtually unaltered over this ten year period.
Lila de Nobili's set featured an Elizabethan hall, with a minstrels' gallery and timbered oak steps on each side.
The slightly raked stage floor was covered in straw and parts of the basic, permanent set could be backlit to reveal a woodland setting behind - leafy green and romantic in mood.
Mavis Edwards as Fairy, Michael Scoble as Mustardseed, Jean Owen as Fairy, Zoe Caldwell as Fairy, Mary Ure as Titania, Georgine Anderson as Fairy, Judith Downes as Peaseblossom, Malcolm Ranson as Cobweb, Margaret O'Keefe as Moth, Dir: Peter Hall, SMT, 1959
Some commentators saw Hall's production as a mixture between a certain visual traditionalism and a very contemporary approach. The characterisation of the lovers, who behaved like modern teenagers, and of the fairies, who were tousle-haired and wild-eyed, was considered to be amongst the more unconventional elements. Hall described them himself as 'sexy and wicked and kinky'. In Hall's film of The Dream he took the fairies a step further: they were almost naked (wearing only strategically placed 'leaves'), dirty-faced, muddy, and painted all over in slimy, glistening green make-up.
'Brook's Dream' is a milestone in RSC and theatre history. It was very popular and went out on world tour. The pictures that we have in the RSC collection can still convey the bold statement that the production represented: bright, vivid colours inside Sally Jacobs' 'white-box' set.
David Waller as Bottom, Sara Kestelman as Titania, Dir: Peter Brook, RST, 1970
So much has been written about this production that it can become difficult to assess its real contribution to theatre. Nevertheless, it would be fair to say that this production went far beyond a new interpretation of the Dream; it was perceived as a new approach to theatre per se. Peter Brook wanted to strip away the inessential detail and pose new challenges to the imagination of the audience.
David Waller as Bottom, Sara Kestelman as Titania, Dir: Peter Brook, RST, 1970
Brook's production reportedly found its genesis in circus and oriental influences. He witnessed a Chinese circus in Paris, and was impressed by the way in which the oriental acrobats differed from their western counterparts. The bare stage was hung with ropes, trapezes, swings and ladders, and floored with soft, white matting
The cheeky look on Puck's (Richard McCabe) face and the carefree playfulness of Titania (Clare Higgins) as she canoodles with Bottom sums up the vivaciousness of John Caird's 1989 production. Tutus, fairy wings, gambolling 'punk fairies' with big leather boots, blazers and school ties - this production was full of mischievous juxtapositions.
Richard McCabe as Puck, Dir: John Caird, RST, 1989
David Troughton as Bottom, Clare Higgins as Titania, Dir; John Caird, RST, 1989
John Carlisle donned a ropy old evening jacket, 'hen-night' fairy wings (the same as the other fairies wore) and pointy 'Spock' ears and still managed to command authority over the proceedings, albeit with one eye winking firmly at the audience.
This production was stealing and borrowing from, and nodding and winking to, many past productions of the Dream (Peter Hall had his fairies wear pointy ears in 1962 and in his film version in 1969). An anarchic, irreverent attitude and frenetic pace were captured by the throw-away gestures of Richard McCabe's Puck, who literally threw away his copy of New Penguin Shakespeare.
David Troughton's pin-stripped Bottom sported big side-burns and an old straw hat; the forest was an old scrap-yard with broken old pianos and Victorian bathtubs; and everything on the stage seemed to be infected with this dreamy eclecticism.
In fact the set, designed by Giles Cradle, was dominated by its blackness. Hands appeared from nowhere; one actor dressed as a tree moved between scene changes; tricks were played with perspective, and large, head-sized flies populated the set in ever-increasing numbers. The lovers were young and athletic and their movements were choreographed as though they were in a ballet.
Nikki Amuka-Bird as Helena, Michael Colgan as Lysander, Paul Chequer as Demetrius, Gabrielle Jourdan as Hermia, Dir: Richard Jones, RST, 2002
When criticised for not producing a more traditional and pastoral Dream, Jones expressed his right to experiment with Shakespeare: 'There is an absolute obsession with being definitive in the theatre, which I hate. People think there is some kind of grail, that there is one way for a piece to be done. I think there is a cultural amnesia about what theatre is for. It should certainly ask more questions than it gives answers.' ['Rise of the demon king' by Charlotte Higgins, The Guardian, 20/04/02]
Dale Rapley as Snug, Richard Dempsey as Flute, Steven Beard as Starveling, Martin Savage as Quince, Darrell D'Silva as Bottom, Gareth Farr as Snout, Dir: Richard Jones RST, 2002
Dale Rapley as Snug, Richard Dempsey as Flute, Steven Beard as Starveling, Martin Savage as Quince, Gareth Farr as Snout, Darrell D'Silva as Bottom , Dir: Richard Jones RST, 2002
The old and the new are captured in both these pictures of the Mechanicals. Here we have the classical tableaux of the Mechanicals sitting down and rehearsing their performance of Pyramus and Thisbe (above and left) and we can see the impact of both the director and designer's vision in an expressionistic style of staging. Notice how the Mechanicals sit on spotlight-beam cum underground tunnel (left) adding a surreal, filmic look to the comic proceedings.
These are all examples of RSC productions from the 20th century. Are they Barton or Marrowitz approaches?
past productions of Trojan woman for reference for Year 13 unit 6 exam
Trojan Women
Program Information • Cast • Production Staff
The Trojan Women
By Euripides
Translated by Nicholas Rudall
Adapted and Directed by Joanna Settle
New York Theatre Workshop
Public Reading
April 7, 2003
About the Text:
In the introduction to his translation of The Trojan Women, Nicholas Rudall writes, “One year before the first performance of The Trojan Women, in 415 B.C., Athenians had invaded the island of Melos, which was Greek but determined neutral in the war between Athens and Sparta. Athenian forces captured the island, put the men to death, and enslaved the women and children. This barbaric act provoked the people of Athens; Euripides’ play thrusts us into the presence of the pain of innocent victims of war.”
This script, which involves almost no action, once again finds itself a topical and contemporary work 2,400 years after it was written. The members and artistic associates of D13 were deeply drawn to the story, the strength of Nicholas' Rudall's raw and contemporary translation, and the emotional texture of the work.
Hecuba is caught between Andromache (Sarah McMinn) and Talthybius (David Briggs), who has just told her that the Greeks have decided to kill her young son.
Progress To Date:
D13’s interest in producing The Trojan Women began when Artistic Director Joanna Settle was hired by the Juilliard School (her alma mater) in the fall of 2002 to direct the script for the Drama Division's graduating class (Group 32). Company members Katie Taber and Anne DeAcetis were invited to join the cast as guest artists. Also hired onto the team were D13 Artistic Associates Andrew Lieberman (set designer), Obadiah Eaves (composer), Peter West (lighting designer), and David Neumann (choreographer).
The production was staged on a steep wall at a 30-degree angle to the floor, creating an immediate performance challenge. This physical environment also served to make clear the level of danger facing the Trojan women as spoils of war.
In the fall, the play was performed near the one-year anniversary of September 11th. The remount in the spring opened with the start of the war in Iraq (indeed, our 8pm invited dress rehearsal on March 19 began at Saddam Hussein's deadline to leave Baghdad). The production,with a running time of 1 hour and 15 minutes, was an intensely personal experience for performers and audience alike.
New York Theatre Workshop supported D13's efforts to move the production with a “Monday At 3pm” reading, and facilitated a very helpful talkback with the audience and artistic staff of NYTW. Their support allowed us to rehearse for one week with the new cast.
Filled with singing and sonic underscoring, constant choreography, and plainspoken storytelling, we intend to remount The Trojan Women with a full D13 cast and design team within the next year.
Please contact Artistic Director Joanna Settle at for more information. Video and audio samples are available.
Echoes of a Horrific War Long Ago
New performance of 'The Trojan Women' brings a contemporary message about war
By Miriam Sauls
Friday, November 11, 2005
Durham, N.C. -- Euripides wrote The Trojan Women nearly 2,500 years ago and based it on a war that had been fought many centuries earlier, the message to audiences is still relevant today, according to the Duke faculty member who translated a new version of the play for the production.
The Department of Theater Studies’ production of The Trojan Women, currently running in Sheafer Theater, means to speak to audiences in a timely voice, said Peter Burian chair of classical studies, professor of comparative literatures and theater studies and dramaturg for the production. He and UNC-Chapel Hill professor Alan Shapiro translated the play for the production.
While the women of the ancient city of Troy are the characters in the play, the subject is war itself and the terrible consequences of war even for its survivors. “The overwhelming sorrows of the women of Troy, the brutalization of the world that follows Troy's fall, will still, if given a chance, tell us something we need to know about ourselves and the world we inhabit,” Burian said.
Ellen Hemphill of the Department of Theater Studies faculty directs The Trojan Women. She said she was drawn to how the play underscores some of the unchanging aspects of war.
“Women and children are always the ultimate victims of war,” Hemphill said. “They are not mentioned in statistics; they are not glorified as heroes; they are losers even if they were not on the battlefield — they lose husbands, sons, fathers, and if they are in the battle zones, their homes, other children or their own lives. There is still that same brutality worldwide; women are raped and scattered and forced to move from their homes — whether in Iraq or the Congo or elsewhere.”
Hemphill is known for her use of movement and music and surprising settings to bring an audience closer to the emotional core of a production. To dramatize the timeless situation of war-torn women, she chose to take the “noble” women of Troy and put them in demeaning situations — in circus acts, in circus costumes, in a burned out circus tent — to show how their treatment as the spoils of war ‘feels.’
“The relevance of Trojan Women to our own concerns is only increased by considering its immediate historical context,” Burian said. “It was first performed in Athens in the spring of 415 B.C.E. A few months earlier, the Athenians, at the height of their imperial ambitions, had voted for a massive expedition to Sicily, the wealthy ‘far west’ of the Greek world; the great fleet was at that very moment being readied in Athens' harbor. And in the previous year, Athens had attacked the little island of Melos, which was guilty only of trying to remain neutral in the Peloponnesian War. When the Melians steadfastly refused to agree to Athenian demands, the fleet laid siege to their city; the islanders surrendered, and Athens razed the walls, killed all the men, and enslaved the women and children.
“Given this context, we can only marvel at Euripides' daring and wonder what the reaction of contemporary Athenians must have been to so bleak a vision of conquest,” Burian added. “The Trojan Women dramatizes not the Greek victory, but Troy's fall, seen, with all her men gone, from the point of view of the women about to be sent into slavery. And at the center of it all is Hecuba, the old queen, on stage from beginning to end, absorbing blow after blow, loss after loss of everyone and everything she loves, of every remaining hope.
“What's Hecuba to us? She is the quintessential victim of the folly of war, who fights victimization with every means she has, until she has none left. She is every mother of a fallen soldier, a daughter raped, a child killed in cold blood. Yesterday, we saw Hecuba in the streets of Chile and Rwanda. We see her today in the streets of Baghdad and Mosul. When will we not have to see her again?”
For more information, contact: Miriam Sauls, Department of Theater Studies | 919 660-3343
Home>2005>Echoes of a Horrific War Long Ago
A Pre-Production Discussion of The Trojan Women
The Trojan Women is an anti-war play. It is also a play about women, a play about human relationships, a play about loyalty, and a play about classical mythology. However, at its core, it is a play about the perils and tragic foolishness of waging war. In his introduction to the play, translator Nicholas Rudall explains that the play was first performed in Athens in 415 B.C. In 416 B.C., Athens had invaded the neutral Greek island of Melos. Athenian troops had enslaved the island’s women and children after killing off the men. Euripides’s native audience would have seen his play as an obvious critique on the invasion that took place only one year earlier (3). The Trojan Women directly criticizes its society publicly from the vantage point of the Theatre of Dionysus. Cassandra says early in the play, “In the end it comes to this: a wise man will never go to war.” This is the paramount theme of the play. Poseidon tells us in his prologue, “The man who sacks cities and desecrates temples and the holy tombs of the dead is mad. His own doom is merely…waiting (14).” Euripides structures the play around this simple, but vital notion: “War is foolish.” This truth coupled with the historical context of the piece makes it very difficult, if not irresponsible, to direct this play today without allowing our nation’s current military involvement, “The War on Terror,” to influence how this production takes shape. In the end, war solves very little. Euripides knew this, and his play may now serve the same function in A.D. 2004 that it served in 415 B.C.
Clearly, I am an idealist, but I am not so naïve as to think the world will be changed because of one play. The theatre is the most politically powerful of any artistic medium. Still, nothing was markedly changed after the original performance of The Trojan Women some 2,400 years ago. With that said, I do view this play as a potential catalyst for debate. In the months after September 11, 2001, one dared not argue or even question our government. Now, where will this new war end? The questions go on, but few people dare to discuss them outside of their own closets. At the very least, this production has the potential to spark that discussion within our community.
To achieve this, the design team and I must underscore the parallels between the ancient Greeks and our modern culture. However, there is a fine line between clarity of the metaphor and browbeating the audience. The audience will arrive at the theatre saturated with news of our current crisis. All we have to do is provide hints and flavors, and they will make the natural connection. The costumes must suggest modernity without designating individual cultures. The Greek guards’ costuming should suggest Western military without stitching a flag on their shoulders; the Trojan women’s attire should display influences from the various cultures invaded by the west without pointing at specific nations. The effect will be that the Trojan women are part of an ambiguous foreign culture while the Greeks represent that which is familiar to the audience. To be clear, I do not want to overtly depict an American versus Iraqi situation. This would limit the play immensely. The conflict with Iraq is but one of many American conflicts. We should focus on placing subtle clarifying emphasis on the parallels between our nation’s military crises and the crisis between Ancient Greece and Troy. We merely have to hint.
The theatrical tradition of the ancient Greeks is captivating. Greek theatre seems virtually uncorrupted by commercialism. Theatre was not merely entertainment. Rather, it was completely fused within their society. It was a vital part of their cultural and religious rituals, and as such, The Trojan Women is one of the most unabashedly ritualistic pieces to come out of the ancient Greek tradition. The play overflows with songs, chants, organized ululations, prayers, and dirges. Again, in his translator’s note, Nicholas Rudall states, “Within the conventions of Greek drama, singing or chanting intensified the emotional impact…The Trojan Women contains proportionately more singing than any other Greek tragedy (4).” Euripides uses ritual as a medium for his message of peace.
In directing this play, I want to maintain this inherent sense of ritual, which is the author’s original intent. I am continually inspired by Anne Bogart’s book A Director Prepares. She writes, “As theatre artists, our job is to set up the circumstances in which an experience might occur (69).” With this production, I want to set up the circumstances for an event of shared ritual. As a director, I strive to regain elements of theatre’s ritualistic heritage. I want to create performances that continue to resonate with audiences long after the curtain call ends, and I am passionate about the power theatre has to transform audiences. When people are included and implicated in the world of the play, they are not as likely to dismiss the performance as mere entertainment.
Webster’s New World Dictionary defines “ritual” as: “A set form or system of rites, religious or otherwise (1258).” Ritual is a formalized process. Despite the ethereal connotations, ritual can be analytically broken down to its essential elements for use in the modern theatre. Objectifying the elements of ritual does not reduce the effect of the experience from the audience’s perspective; ritual is a powerful all-encompassing, sensual, and emotional experience. This has become something of an obsession for me. Whenever I witness ritual, whether as a participant or as an observer, I cannot help but analyze the occasion. In doing this, I have found that the basic tenants of ritual include atmospheric aroma or incense, stylized movement, repetition, music, and intimate spaces. While many cultures use these elements each with varying degrees of importance, these essential elements are cross-cultural. They can each be found in Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and countless other religious rites. This provides modern theatre artists with a list of clear sign systems from which to work, and their cultural universality encourages their practical use in today’s theatre.
One of the most fascinating of ritual’s basic elements is the use of aroma. Infusing the theatre with carefully selected fragrances can clearly influence the audience’s response to the performance. The use of frankincense and myrrh during The Trojan Women will undoubtedly help create a reverent atmosphere in the theatre appropriate to ritual. The process of sanctification begins the moment the audience and actors sense the aroma upon entering the space. Given the historical and widespread ritualistic use of these resins, the audience will easily translate the use of incense as an act of ritual.
The use of aroma in the theatre is by no means a new concept. In her journal article titled “Olfactory Performances,” published in spring 2001 issue of The Drama Review, Sally Banes writes, “The deodorization of the modern theatre may also be one facet of a conscious move away from religious ritual (68).” She further blames the sterilizing, hygiene campaigns of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s for the reduced use of aroma as a legitimate sign system in the theatre; odors were increasingly linked with the proliferation of disease. For whatever reason, semioticians of the theatre continue to overlook the impact that odor can have on a performance. Kowzan, one of the most influential semioticians of the theatre, includes only auditive and visual signs in his table of classification. Odor seems like an obvious omission. How much would the smell of burning flesh affect the overall meaning during comedies like Neil Simon’s Lost in Yonkers? This is an extreme example, but suddenly, Kowzan’s classification seems overtly incomplete. Like Peter Brook’s use of incense in the 1985 production of The Mahabharata, incense in The Trojan Women will immediately begin building a sacred atmosphere in the theatre.
Along with aroma, the use of stylized movement is essential to create a sense of ritual in the theatre. Whether it is choreographed or free form, subtle or overt, rituals feature some sort of stylized movement. Early on, while working on the script, I began thinking of this play as having a structure similar to a modern stage musical. The play moves freely between chants, dialogue, and movement interludes in much the same way that a musical transitions between songs, dialogue, and choreographed dance breaks. Looking at The Trojan Women in this way allows me much more creative freedom. While structurally it will remain important to build to certain plot points, I am not locked into trying to force the play to flow linearly like modern realism.
The world of the play has its own rules, its own culture. I am fascinated by theatrical productions wherein the director and the actors create a distinct style of movement specific only to that world. This is what I am aiming for with this show. There are clear points in Euripides’s script that seem to be set aside for stylized, ritualistic movement. For example, there are moments during long elegies where I will use the four-member chorus to create brief emotionally charged movement sequences to punctuate the dialogue. While these interludes will feature both abstract and mimetic physicalizations of the characters’ emotions, I do not want the movements to be immediately representative of modern dance or mime. Again, these characters should move in a manner specific to their “culture.” I will emphasize expressionistic movement over concrete gesture. The emotional quality of the actors’ movements and the further development of ritual are the central focus of these sections.
The play will open with movement set to music that will tell the story of the Trojan War. The play itself begins at the conclusion of the war and presupposes that audience will have significant knowledge of the war. That was an easy assumption in 415 B.C., but today it is necessary to help the audience. The opening piece will serve as a prologue. It also extends the atmosphere of ritual. The trick will be to tell the story of Troy’s demise through movement alone. Before the actors and I can begin working to build the opener, we must thoroughly research the circumstances and history surrounding the Trojan War. Clearly, we are not going to be able to tell the entire story, but it is essential that we have a strong knowledge base from which to work. The opening piece should provide general historical information and set the emotional tone of the play. I am more interested that the audience witnesses a war in the first moments of the performance than I am that they witness the Trojan War specifically. I plan to work with improvisation and free form expressive movements around a central, general historical outline, Greeks versus Trojans. The play will be set in a place of worship, which is desecrated during the war. Poseidon tells us this in the first minute of the play. “Now the sacred places of the gods are silent, the temple walls weep blood…all respect has died (11).” When the audience enters the theatre, the set should appear untouched, sacred. Through the opening movement, the actors will tear the set apart, creating the necessary war torn, despoiled image. The audience will in essence witness the destruction of Troy through the guise of expressive ritualistic movement.
Whether in the form of a mantra, a prewritten mass, or a statement of creed, repetition is at the heart of ritual’s formalized process. Clearly, some productions lend themselves more easily to this than others. For example, in my production of Ionesco’s The Lesson, I edited the script to create a sense of formalized repetition in both movement and dialogue. The audience may not have left pondering the ritual, but the repetition created a ritualistic atmosphere that made the performance unique. The Trojan Women was written with this treatment in mind. Euripides uses repetition throughout the play. Often characters repeat a phrase several times in the course of a monologue. The effect is a formal poetic texture. Along with this textual repetition, much of the movement established in the opening movement piece will be repeated through the course of the play to bring the audience’s attention back to the war.
Following repetition, music is arguably the most universal aspect of ritual. It is hard to imagine a ritual without some form of musical expression. In this production of The Trojan Women, I plan to work closely with my sound designer to create a soundtrack for the piece that will help promote and maintain the sense of ritual. As part of my research, I have been listening to a wide variety of music in search of the right sound. Some examples that fit my concept include Dead Can Dance, Lisa Gerrard, and Jimi Hendrix’s “Star Spangled Banner.” The first two have the classic sound of ritual. They feature chant, organ tones, drums, and a sense of raw emotion. Hendrix’s “Star Spangled Banner” fits well into my political concept, and the gritty harmonics and strange, erratic nature of the piece meld nicely with the emotional atmosphere of the play. The recorded music will be used to underscore moments such as the opening movement. In addition, the script calls for much of the dialogue, particularly the choral sections, to be chanted or sung. However, I want to be careful not to overuse chant in the play as it can begin to drone. I plan to add bits of it throughout, highlighting key moments. For example, as the Greeks carry the body of Astyanax away, the chorus will chant his funeral dirge. I want to reserve chant as a way to emphasize moments of distinct emotional peaks. I do not aim for the actors to sing these sections beautifully. The resulting sound may be atonal and dissonant; I am more interested in the emotional quality of the sound than I am the musicality.
Once the ritualistic elements of aroma, movement, music, and repetition are in place, it is important to discuss the location. Rituals typically take place in intimate spaces, set aside for the occasion: temples, churches, mosques, threshing circles, or dancing grounds. The space must fit the ritual. For this play, the proximity of the audience to the performers must be very intimate. For this to be a shared ritual, there cannot be barriers between the two. This production will take place in the Kiva Theatre on the UI campus. While this is the space assigned to the production, it is also the theatre I would have chosen. The intimate arena space forces the audience to sit very near the action. For this production, we will set up the seating into an avenue configuration. This accomplishes two things. First, on a practical level, in order to facilitate 14 actors moving freely through the space, the playing area must be extended past the central circle of the stage. It just gives the performance more space. Second, it provides for a more communal atmosphere with each half of the audience able to see the other. This should work against the established theatrical convention of a clear separation between audience and performers. The characters are free to interact with the audience. At times they will speak to them. At times they will not. At some points, the actors themselves will be speaking to the audience. This communal seating arrangement allows the audience to be a part of the experience rather than mere observers. The audience should feel like participants. They are a part of the world, part of the ritual.
The Trojan Women is an extremely complex politically motivated play. Written over 2,000 years ago, the play remains applicable today, but it lacks much of the major dramatic action of its modern counterparts. While this poses many challenges, it also opens the doors for creative freedom. This production will not be a typical passive experience for the audience. Instead, I hope to create what Euripides intended, a ritual for peace. In the final moment of the play, the chorus chants, “My city is no more. But we will walk on. We will walk on (61).” While the play mourns the atrocities of war, it leaves the audience with a statement of perseverance, of hope.
Our design process begins on October 23, 2003. At that time, I will give my initial presentation along with music samples and a three-dimensional emotional response. My focus for the initial meeting is to motivate and inspire the design team for the project ahead. I plan to rely upon my stage manager to facilitate all major production and design meetings. I anticipate that the technical rehearsals and performances will run smoothly if the designers and I are accustomed to working with her from the beginning.
The design process for this production will be a communal effort. This is a collaborative process, and it is vital that the designers and I, like the actors, create a tightly knit ensemble, dedicated to working towards a common goal. In A Director Prepares, speaking about the process of creation, Anne Bogart quotes a New York Times interview with actor William Hurt. He says, “Those who function out of fear, seek security, those who function out of trust, seek freedom (83).” This is precisely the point. Above all else, the design process for this show must be free.
During the design process for On the Verge, we were able to solve many of the play’s challenges, or “problems” as we called them, early on in the process. Everyone worked together. The sound designer helped to solve set issues. The set designer helped to solve lighting issues. Throughout the process, we successfully created a mutually trusting and fruitful process. Now, with The Trojan Women, I am again working on a play that is full of exciting challenges. The design team must seek this sort of free communal process.
Innovation dictates risk. Again in her book, Bogart offers sage advice regarding the value of embarrassment to the theatrical process. She writes, “Embarrassment is a partner in the creative act … If your work does not sufficiently embarrass you, then very likely no one will be touched by it (113).” If my collaborators and I seek safe time-tested choices, we are merely rehashing old tricks. Actors should not get away with working from a bag of tricks and clichés, nor should the designers allow themselves such security. We must risk failure and embarrassment, if we are to create something truly fresh. I am passionate about this production and anticipate amazing things to come out of the design process.
Auditions for The Trojan Women will take place on Friday, December 12th with callbacks to follow on Sunday, December 14th. I will be casting six women and five men. Leslie Swancutt, a graduating MFA acting candidate, has already been cast in the roll of Hecuba. The rehearsal process will begin the week before classes resume for the spring semester, roughly January 7th. That should give us a full six weeks for our rehearsal process, not including technical rehearsals. The process will begin with several reads of the play followed by a few days of table work. I love research, but it is important that the work around the table manifests itself on stage. I do not want to waste precious rehearsal time for the sake of invisible research. The actors will do research into the Trojan War and Greek mythology, but the time around the table will focus on marking dramatic and emotional rhythm, getting used to the translator’s use of language, and building an atmosphere of trust in rehearsal. Like the design process, the rehearsal work cannot progress if people are acting out of fear or distrust. All ideas are welcome. Jerzy Grotowski echoes this thought in his book Towards a Poor Theatre, “…every aspect of an actor’s work…should be protected from incidental remarks, indiscretions, nonchalance, idle comments, and jokes (213).” Every actor must be able to completely trust everyone involved. Risks must be taken with this piece. Therefore, rehearsal must be a free, safe place for creation and experimentation. In short, everyone must focus on acting in a purpose driven ensemble where there are no stars and the work is always at the center.
Because the production will be a ritualistic event, the rehearsals should also have that flavor. Our rehearsals will have a formalized process. Rehearsals will begin the same each night. We will begin with exercises to warm up and focus. Once everyone is focused and ready to proceed, we will begin working with movement. The point of these exercises is to get the actors to start creating intuitively and expressively. Sometimes this will take the form of games. At other times, I will give the actors a general outline or a piece of music as a stimulus. These movement exercises will help us to create the expressive movement sections including the opening prologue. After working in this way for a while, the actors will have created a large vocabulary of movements to pull from in later rehearsals. After the movement work, we will begin working on the rest of the show, building each scene consecutively.
Directing this production of The Trojan Women is extremely challenging. I have a large cast, a demanding concept, and a classical text, but I am passionate about the work. The production has the potential to create much needed discussion in our community. That potential brings with it a high responsibility. I look forward to the beginning of this process.
Banes, Sally. “Olfactory Performances.” The Drama Review. 45, 1 (T169), Spring 2001: 68-76.
Bogart, Anne. A Director Prepares. New York: Routledge, 2002.
Euripides. The Trojan Women. Trans. Nicholas Rudall. Chicago. Ivan R. Dee, 1999
Grotowski, Jerzy. Towards a Poor Theatre. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1969.
Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language. College Edition. Cleveland: The World Publishing Co., 1964.
3D "Emotional Response" for collaborators
Greetings! My name is Charlie Pepiton. I'm currently serving as Assistant Professor of Theatre at East Texas Baptist University. My wife, Beka, and I live on Lake o' the Pines with the dynamic duo of Aunt Avis & Theophilus.
Stage Shots
On the Verge, or the Geography of Yearning
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»IRT + IRT-Y + ETBU = One Busy Summer (Jun 16)
»TOP's One Night Stand (Jan 25)
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»The Stranger Spins Into Butter (Oct 19)
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»The Trojan Women
»On the Verge, or the Geography of Yearning
»The Lesson
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»The Big Fat Naked Truth
»The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe
»Molly Sweeney
»The Drummer
»Eat Cake
»Edward Gordon Craig & the Modern Theatre of Devising
»A Pre-Production Discussion of The Trojan Women
»Shepard: Coping with the American Myth
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All Content ©2000 - 2004 Charles M. Pepiton The lasting significance of The Trojan Women
By Piyaseeli Wijegunasingha
3 April 2000
Use this version to print
An adaptation in Sinhala of Euripides' play, translation by Ariyawansa Ranaweera, script by Ananda Wakkumbura and Dharmasiri Bandaranayaka, directed by Dharmasiri Bandaranayaka
Euripides (485-406 BC) is considered to be the most socially critical of all the ancient Greek tragedians. The Trojan Women (415 BC) has long been considered an innovative artistic portrayal of the Trojan War and a penetrating depiction of the barbaric behaviour of Euripides' own countrymen, the Athenians, towards the women and children of the people they subjugated in war.
In The Trojan Women we also see portrayed in a rather pronounced way, an ancient people (to be more specific, women belonging to an ancient people), led by the circumstances they find themselves in, to question their faith in the traditional pantheon of gods. For instance we see Hecabe, the Queen of Troy, who has become a prisoner of war, questioning faith in the gods as well as man's dependence on them. The futility of expecting wisdom and justice from the gods is expressed again and again.
Euripides' play reveals how an ancient people is brought to recognise the naiveté of the belief in a pantheon of gods with complete power over the destinies of men. The gods are spoken of and portrayed in The Trojan Women as jealous, head-strong and capricious. These facts themselves would have disturbed the more politically conservative contemporaries of Euripides, and it is well known that he was looked upon with mistrust by ruling class ideologues of his day.
Whatever the beliefs expressed by the characters Euripides created, and the beliefs he himself held, man had still to travel a long way before becoming conscious of the fact that he had the social ability to become master of his own fate. What was expressed in the belief in the gods held by the Greeks of the heroic age, as well as of the classical age, if not the relative “helplessness” of social man before nature, including society?
The Trojan Women, like any other significant literary work, in an artistically powerful and memorable manner, adds certain grains of truth to human knowledge: that man caught in the midst of the contradictions of war, whether it be archaic tribal war or wars created by ruling classes in modern society, becomes the perpetrator of the most ruthless violence on his opponents, especially on defenceless women and children.
Anoja Weerasinghe plays Hecabe in Dharmasiri Bandaranayaka's production. It is well known that her house, with all her possessions of artistic and cultural value, was burned to the ground by goon squads employed by unscrupulous politicians in the recent spate of post-presidential election violence in Sri Lanka. Reading the statement Weerasinghe made to the press regarding this incident one feels that it carries traces of her personal understanding of Euripides' play . Emphasising that we are not in agreement with her politics, we would like to quote the following passage from her statement to the press:
“Why did they harass me in this way? It is simply because I am a woman. Maybe they thought that I am a single woman. They showed their power, truly their cowardice, to an unarmed and innocent actress. I have spoken out about the intimidation faced by women. I have appealed for the creation of a society that is safe for women ... and I have urged lawmakers to formulate a legal framework that will make this possible ... ”
It is clear that particularly the phrase, “I have appealed for the creation of a society that is safe for women,” expresses the agony long undergone by a woman who is also a professional artist, due to social suppression as well as oppression. Though Anoja Weerasinghe believes that a society safe for women can be created by urging lawmakers to formulate a legal framework, the only society that can ensure safety for women is one consciously organised along socialist principles—where not only the public ownership of the means of production historically necessary for the social liberation of women, but also all the necessary resources for the all-sided spiritual development of mankind, will be available.
The capacity of The Trojan Women to suggest powerfully and vividly the destruction wrought on women in general as a result of war rests to a great extent on the fact that the characters differ from each other in their social situations as well as in their personalities.
Even if one prefers to refrain from suggesting that in the aftermath of the Trojan War some women suffer more than the others, it must be stated that the Trojan slave women (in the play's chorus) continue to bewail their inability to know the fate which awaits them, whereas the women of the aristocracy are able to learn their respective destinies from the messengers who arrive from time to time from the enemy camp. The slave women bemoan not only their future, about which they are in the dark, but also their being severed from the environment and the life which they have got used to even as slaves. That the Trojan slave women are subjected to even more degrading and bestial treatment by the enemy is clearly brought out in Bandaranayaka's production.
The leaders of the Greek army consider the aristocratic female prisoners “prestigious” spoils of war to be divided amongst themselves. The very fact that they are noblewomen seems to add to the “glory” of the men who are able to carry them home as part of the loot won in war.
Hecabe, the Trojan King Priam's widow, is to become the slave of Odysseus, a man she abhors. Hecabe's younger daughter Polyxena is sacrificed at the tomb of the Greek hero Achilles as an offering to his corpse. Even though Polyxena does not appear on stage, what we learn of her creates in the spectator's mind the image of a young girl of child-like innocence and purity.
Andromache is the widow of the renowned Trojan hero Hector, fallen in battle. Hector is Priam's and Hecabe's son. Andromache, surrounded by Greek soldiers, appears before the Trojan women prisoners' camp clutching Hector's small son to her body. In lamenting her misfortune, she reveals that her life's aim was to be a dutiful wife whose praises would be sung by the people:
Andromache: “I aimed at a glorious name and though I won this in generous measure, good fortune eluded my arrow. All the accomplishments that bring credit to a woman I strove to put into practice in the house of Hector. In the first instance in the matter where a woman gets a bad reputation (whether she attracts criticism or not), namely not remaining indoors, I suppressed my longing and stayed in the house. And inside the house I would not tolerate the idle gossip of women but was content to have in my mind a teacher I could trust.... And it was because my reputation for this reached the ears of the Greek army that my doom was sealed.”
Andromache has been chosen by Neoptolemus to be his concubine and she faces the dilemma of a woman who had been a devoted wife now forced to share the bed of a stranger—one of the enemy who had killed her husband and laid Troy to waste.
Andromache: “Now if I dismiss any thought of my beloved Hector and open my heart to my new husband, it will seem that I have betrayed the dead. But if alternately, I turn away from him in loathing I will earn the hatred of my own master.... Not even hope have I, something that is left to all mortals, nor do I delude myself that fortune will show me any kindness, though, even fancies like this bring comfort.”
The women waiting at the camp which is their temporary dwelling as well as their prison, until their fates are finally sealed, descend deeper and deeper into the depths of misery as they are exposed to the barbarism of the enemy. This situation comes to a head when Talthybius, the Greek messenger, returns from the enemy camp to say that the council of war has decided to execute Hector's and Andromache's small son, who if he lived could become a danger to the Greeks.
Hecabe's elder daughter Cassandra had been the maiden priestess of Apollo. Talthybius reveals that Cassandra had been “chosen as a special prize by the Greek king Agamemnon to warm his bed in the hours of darkness.”
In the Sinhala version of The Trojan Women, Cassandra captivates the imagination of the audience as a sexually inhibited young woman whose perceptiveness and intelligence are of an extraordinary brilliance. Cassandra and Helen stand out as the characters that hold most appeal for a modern audience. Helen's situation is also distinguished by the fact that she is the only woman targeted by the Trojan women themselves for hatred and condemnation. They accuse her of being the cause of the war that has brought death to all the Trojan warrior heroes and has culminated in the downfall of Troy itself. She is also considered to be the bane of her own kinsmen—the Greeks.
In the eyes of the Trojan women, including Hecabe, Helen lacks “womanly virtues” and is completely bereft of refined sentiments. Her renowned beauty is a snare that she calculatingly and opportunistically utilises to manipulate men like Paris in her insatiable quest for sensual pleasures and luxurious living.
Helen, challenging Hecabe's view and defending herself, traces, in a manner that would have seemed logical to Athenian theatre audiences of the day, the source of the calamity in the whims and fancies of headstrong and capricious gods and goddesses. Anyway, it is significant that in doing so she blames the goddess of sexual love—Aphrodite—for her own elopement with Paris. Of course, Helen's claim is in accordance with the mythological sources from which Euripides drew his material—but this does not necessarily prevent the modern spectator from concluding that Helen is justifying her elopement with Paris on the basis of having fallen in love with him:
Helen: “The man ...... whether Alexandros or Paris is the name you wish to give him, had a powerful goddess at his side when he came. This was the man you left behind in your home, you worst of husbands and sailed away from Sparta to the land of Crete. So much for that matter. Next I will put a question not to you but to myself. Why was it that I left your house to go away, quite in my right mind, with a stranger, betraying my country and home? Punish the goddess and show yourself stronger than Zeus, who rules over the rest of the gods, but is that lady's slave; the blame is not mine (emphasis added).
Chorus leader: ... “She speaks with fair words from a foul heart; now that inspires fear.”
We see Hecabe herself though in a different context admitting the power of sexual love:
Hecabe: “There is no lover who does not love forever.”
The Helen we see in Bandaranayaka's production of The Trojan Women strikes a chord of deep sympathy within the modern spectator through her honest and faithful endeavour to understand herself. Due to this the spectator also comes to recognise in Helen a precursor of many a tragic heroine portrayed in modern literature—especially in the classical novel—who, due to sexual love outside wedlock, is prompted to turn her back on the institution. That Helen had not been happy in her marriage to Menelaus is revealed not only by what she says, but also by the male chauvinistic and over-bearing attitudinising of Menelaus when he meets her outside the women prisoners' camp.
It is clear Helen has not been happy in Troy either—especially during the years Troy has been under siege by invading Greeks. Helen, when she appears in front of the women prisoners' camp, seems not only estranged from the Trojan women, she is also rather aloof from the destruction wrought on the Trojans by the invaders. The fact that her attire is different from that of the other women prisoners shows that she is being treated deferentially by the Greek soldiers. Although Hecabe pounces on the fact that Helen is “showily” attired as further proof of her moral laxity, the audience, which learns that Helen had been forcibly taken in marriage by another Trojan leader after Paris's death, realises the absurdity of Hecabe's accusation. In the eyes of the spectator, Helen remains a woman who manages to keep her head high in spite of trying, painful and difficult circumstances.
It is clearly with the intention of bringing the play closer to the present-day Sri Lankan audience that Bandaranayaka has incorporated a group of soldiers dressed in Sri Lankan armed force camouflage uniforms into the play. These soldiers act as a part of the Greek army and are shown harassing the women prisoners. The prisoners, while justifiably denouncing the invaders, also highly praise the merits of laying down one's life for the sake of the motherland.
In a context where Bandaranayaka has included soldiers dressed in Sri Lankan army uniforms those declarations can all too easily be interpreted as a defence of the program of national separatism.
The remarkable success of Bandaranayaka's production is due not only to the fact that it powerfully conveys the essential content of Euripides' work, but also because the staging satisfactorily accomplishes the difficult task of generating in the minds of the spectators the mood and atmosphere contained in the original play.
This success is due in large measure to the fact that Bandaranayaka has been sensitive to something that had to be taken into consideration if a play like the The Trojan Women, which belongs to the Western classical tradition of drama, was to be successfully staged in a country like Sri Lanka. He sought the cooperation of actors and actresses as well as theatre technicians with a knowledge of the latter tradition. In other words, the director has engaged artistic personnel from Western-style theatre groups in Sri Lanka to complement the creative dramatic talent of the Sinhala theatre. In Bandaranayaka's production of The Trojan Women, the choreography of Jerome L. de Silva has contributed much to the success of the production.
Bandaranayaka was judicious in the selection of the cast too, and all the actors and actresses—some from the Western-style theatre—perform their respective roles with keen artistic comprehension of the individual characters as well as of the particular situation portrayed in the play.
Special mention should be made of Meena Kumari Perera who kept the audience almost spell-bound with her Cassandra—clearly a challenging and exhausting role, lucidly and exhilaratingly performed. Her performance reveals an artistic sensibility that demands recognition.
Jehan Aloysius' Menelaus also deserves mention. Aloysius, in the magnificent robes of a Greek aristocrat keeping up the regal mien, managed to reveal the essential weaknesses of the character too: a man whose craving for a woman provided neither the loving understanding nor the social protection she longed for. Junita Beling's rather low-keyed performance as Helen provided an attractive contrast to the other female characters.
The music is by Rukantha Gunathilake, and here too it is clear that Bandaranayaka has scored with his willingness to break new ground.
The Trojan Women has been criticised as too loosely knit and lacking cohesion. The action takes place entirely in the camp where the women prisoners are kept. Soldiers and messengers continuously arrive with messages and tidings from the Greek camp and the council of war being held there. The audience is made to understand that the Greek ships are ready to set sail for home. The action more or less consists in the women, one by one, being taken to the enemy ships. Therefore the very structure of the play gives it the appearance of a string of episodes, each coloured by the specific personality of the woman prisoner who figures prominently in it.
It should be emphasised that the structure in no way detracts from the basic unity of the play, which lies in its main theme: the devastation created by war in the lives of women and children.
See Also:
Euripides' Medea: A timeless drama
[4 August 1998]
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The Strength of ‘Women’
Nomadic’s Latest Revives Greek Classic
By Jaclyn Mosher
Hoya Staff Writer
Margot Lynn/The Hoya
‘TROJAN’ TORCH: Superb cast lights up the stage.
It is rare to find something compelling about a play’s intermission, but Nomadic Theatre’s newest production “The Trojan Women” makes that most conventional of theatrical rituals an unconventional part of this challenging yet rewarding production.
Sound designer Chris Hajduk (COL ’04) forsakes the light background music that usually accompanies intermission, and instead plays spoken word poetry recorded by the cast and featuring the work of Alan Ginsburg, Erica Jong, Anne Sexton, Sappho and the now omnipresent Sylvia Plath, among others. Truly, “The Trojan Women” never stops; the audience can get up to stretch their legs, but the powerful, elegant words run nonstop.
Written by the Greek dramatist Euripides and translated by Brendan Kennelly, “The Trojan Women” starts after the Fall of Troy at the end of the Trojan War. The Greeks have conquered Troy and won back the errant Helen (Kristen Krikorian, SFS ’04), better known as “the face that launched a thousand ships.”
As the play begins, Poseidon (Michael Slaby, COL ’04), god of the sea, delivers a mighty monologue condemning the men who fought this bloody war. “The war is over,” he proclaims, “now is the time for prizes.” The most sought after prizes of all are the devastated, grieving women of Troy, and the victorious Greek soldiers sort through them to take home as their servants and concubines.
Among these unfortunate women is Hecuba (Sarah Krokey, COL ’06), once Queen of Troy, now widowed and bereft of two noble sons. Surrounded by a chorus of anguished Trojan mothers, the strong, proud Hecuba rises to her feet, her pain driving her to fury against the Greeks who have destroyed her family and her dignity, and toward the reckless Helen.
Hecuba’s rage turns to tears with the arrival of her daughter Cassandra (Katie Einspanier, SFS ’05), who has been blessed (and cursed) with the power to see the future. A virgin raped by one soldier and claimed by another, Cassandra teeters on the edge of madness, proclaiming the fall of her conquerors before being brought to her new lord, King Agamemnon at the conclusion of the first act.
Hecuba’s daughter-in-law Andromache (Kat Cox, COL ’04) emerges in the second act, cradling her baby son and dreaming of the joy she shared with her husband Hector. She, too, is carted off as a prize, and her son is not spared the ire of the warring Greeks.
While one wishes that the blocking had covered more of the stage during a few scenes, director Elizabeth McBrearty’s (COL ’04) blocking is excellent when Hecuba and the chorus confront Helen and her husband Menelaus (John Seber, COL ’06), and she helps coax some truly powerful performances from her cast.
Hecuba is on stage for the entirety of “The Trojan Women,” and has quite a number of long, loud, emotional monologues. In contrast to the more fragile Cassandra and Andromache, Hecuba fights to keep her pain inside, and she can seem at times almost too stone-faced, too full of hate to be sympathetic. Krokey’s performance is impressive throughout, but her character’s most heartbreaking scenes come when she tries to comfort Cassandra and Andromache, who share her anger but not her sheer strength. In these latter scenes, Hecuba is not just a bloody pillar of her once great city, but a mother and grandmother, masking her pain to keep her children from falling into madness.
Einspanier handles her role excellently, wisely steering away from a wilder interpretation of her character’s mental instabilities that could have lessened the impact of her character’s teary departure. Cox is exceptional, and her softer delivery works well for the quiet, loving Andromache. Krikorian plays the eternally smirking Helen with ample amounts of slinkiness and guile (even if Helen never truly becomes anything more than a red — or in this case, a hot pink — herring).
As for the men of “The Trojan Women,” Adam Aguirre (COL ’06) is superb as sympathetic Greek messenger Talthybius, who is moved to tears by the fate of Andromache and her child. Seber does well trying to resist Helen’s charms, and Slaby performs his monologue with conviction, in addition to sparring memorably with the angry goddess Pallas Athena (Ashley Kay, COL ’04).
The costumes of Dana Petrillo (COL ’04), detailed with tatters and dirt, and the makeup of Kathryn Brand (MSB ’07), which shows the physical scars that the characters bear, are also excellent. Paul Hughes’ (COL ’04) lighting of the play’s fiery conclusion is striking.
The play’s two-hour plus running time might deter the reluctant theatergoer, as could the play’s literally constant dialogue. Yet those who fear that the classical subject matter of “The Trojan Women” can only appeal to mythology buffs couldn’t be further off base. A play that deals with the women who suffer familial loss, sexual abuse and the destruction of their homes in the wake of devastating war tells a story that, unfortunately, resonates throughout history and into the present day.
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