Thursday, 15 March 2007

year 8 Mobile phones 60 second film assessments

This term we have been working on short horror movies. THis is quite an interesting project as we are using very primative technology to make them with. By using mobile phones to create our movies it makes us be alot more creative in the way we film it. I really like this because if we were using something like final cut pro to edit we wouldn't necessarily as creative in our film making. Horror movies are also a very good genre to be working with as it takes alot of thought , creativity and good filming to make it interesting, thrilling and scary. As we only have basic scenery available to us (the school) we are trying to be alot more inventive in the way and where we film than we necessarily would be with proper sets.

We have been working on drama techniques such as flashbacks, cross cutting and close ups, medium shots and master shots which all enhance our horror stories. Creating movies is alot different to plays as we use alot less dialogue and tell the movie mostly in pictures. We have put alot of thought into exactly what all of our shots are going to look like and exactly how long they are going to be. We did this by using a storyboard as it is much clearer to us exactly how we are going to film.

Our film is very complex and we hope to be able to pull it off on phone cameras. We have used alot of flashbacks to make the film more interesting. We have tried to work with suspense, by having the murder at the beginning ( the end) and then it slips backwards and forwards in time. This makes the film more interesting as you discover more and more as the film progresses. We have also tried to make this horror movie look quite home made rather than polished as it makes it more believeable and realistic. We got the idea from the Blair witch project.

Jake Elwes

In our year 8 lessons we have been making 1 minute horror movies. We started off with a storyboard and we made 4 key scenes to draw and write down. Next we drew a real storyboard and drew what would happen in every 2 second frame. Then we filmed our storyboard. Next we started filming. We have a few problems here, since we are only allowed to film in the Arts and science block. So we do not have all the venues to film. Luckily we are managing. During our film we are using close ups, medium and full on shots. These are important since we tell most of the story through pictures. The concept of making our own movies was enjoyable and different from anything else we've done. Hopefully next time we can make our movie longer and use proper filming equipment.

Matt Fallon

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