Evaluation Notes tips
The social, cultural, historical and political context
· Write about Norway at the time of Ibsen
· Women’s place in society
· Laws relating to fraud
· Social rules of society at that time
· Clothing / housing/ life of the middle classes
· Give examples of the use of language in the play which helps the reader :
Understand the style of the play eg: Naturalism
Explores the class of the character
Reveals information about the characters personality and or relationship with other characters
Non Verbal Communication
· This should look at the use of subtext in the writing and give examples of that
· Also explore the super objectives of the characters and their units and objectives in the scene that you worked on for your presentation
Vocal Awareness
Explore your response to playing middle class women and how approached the language in terms of clarity / vocal expression and centreing of the voice. Use practical workshop and performance and rehearsals for scene
Write and analyse character choices you made using the Stanislavski techniques and how you developed your character for the scene give examples and quotes from the text and Stanislavski to back up your points.
Given circumstances
Character biographies
Magic If
Truth and belief
Character five step
Units and objectives
Emotion memory/imaging
Adaption/ communion
The visual, aural and spatial elements of production
Write and analyse all features which make it a naturalistic play and how they add to the themes and message of the play
Type of staging
Relationship with audience
The response to a practitioner
Explore the difference between Realism and Naturalism and what makes the Dolls house a naturalistic play.
Give examples from your rehearsals and performance on how you worked using the Stanislavski techniques and how it enabled you to create a believable 3 dimensional character and evaluate your understanding of the practitioner and what you learnt about him.
Explore and evaluate the choices you made about the scene and how you chose to show the characters and themes and message of the play through the scene you worked on
Give examples from your rehearsals and performance and analyse all aspects in detail.
*This all should be written in the first person and should be a personal exploration of the work that you have done and evaluation of the play and practitioner you have worked on.
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