Tuesday, 20 October 2009

SWED Year 13 first draft deadline Monday 2nd Nov

SWED notes tips

Supporting Written evidence

How is the initial material being researched and developed at significant stages during the process of creating drama?

You need to analyse how you have used your stimulus. (The Freud article) and the message of the piece. “Why is the fear of isolation so powerful in man?”

How have you used it in the piece, give examples from one scene and the whole vision of the piece and how it has affected your plot and structure of the play.

Then discuss your research into Jung and Michael Wesch and Mad V and how that has developed the structure and choices of the piece. Give examples from scenes and how you have developed the ideas.

Discuss practitioners e.g. Artaud and how you are using his techniques to develop the piece. Again give examples and analyse.

How effectively are you personally exploring and developing your roles?

You need to analyse your character development using practitioners, eg Stanislavski or Brecht or through ritual and Grotowski e.g. Arbitrary cycle.
Give examples from the scenes and analyse how they are developing through your rehearsal process.

How did you and your group explore the possibilities of form, structure and performance style?

Discuss and analyse using specific examples from scenes, workshops done with me and then how you utilised them in your scenes. Give detailed analysis don’t just describe scenes or techniques and make sure you use quotes from practitioners to back up your examples. This really refers to use of space, communication with the audience and design and visuals as well as practitioners.

How did the work of established and recognised theatre practitioners, and /or the work of live theatre, influence the way in which your devised response developed?

Analyse Shunt’s money and how that influenced your ideas on use of space and form and style and communication to audience and your response to the message. Then analyse how you have developed the work using Artaud and Grotowski and Brecht. Give detailed examples from scenes and relate them to the play and practitioners, using quotes to back up your points.

How Successfully did the final performance communicate your aims and intentions for the piece to your audience?

Give specific detailed examples of scenes and show what your intentions and aims were for the scenes and overall vision and then analyse how well they were communicated and why. Give quotes from audience responses and analyse to back up your points.

How effectively did the social, cultural, historical/ political context of the piece communicate to your audience?

Give detailed analysis of what your intended aims were in relation to cultural etc context and then give specific examples of how that was realised in performance.

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